Do you have a legitimate work from home opportunity or resource you’d like to promote? Then you have come to the right place.

If you have job openings that you would like to be added to the She Works From Home website, please send an email to

If you would like your job opening to be featured daily, at the top of our job board, please send an email to for pricing. Featured jobs are also shared on social media and with newsletter subscribers.

Note that you can also list your work at home job with me for FREE, but free listings will not be pinned to the top of the page as the paid listings are and will go down the page as they age. Free listings can only be submitted once every 30 days.


Sponsored Blog Post (contact for pricing)

A dedicated blog post promoting your business, website, and social media accounts. The theme must stay within the niche of business, working from home, direct sales, franchise opportunities, or entrepreneurship. The post is written by the sponsor and includes 700-2,000 words, a product or logo image, optimized images for social media, and an unlimited number of text links. This post is shared on our social media channels and in our newsletter.


Advertising Policies:

I don’t accept advertising for business opportunites, internet marketing programs, pyramid schemes, MLM, Arise, online psychic or adult/PSO jobs.

Please be aware that we can only promote advertising from companies that we feel we can legitimately recommend to our readers.

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